Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Spring Sprouts in a Local Classroom!

2 of our wonderful volunteers (Katie H. and Francesca H.) recently visited a Grade 1 classroom at Sacred Heart Catholic School here in Guelph to run our PLANTS activity. Since the weather is so beautiful, the girls opted to add an extra hands-on project for the kids -- grow bean plants in cotton balls so they could study the root structure!
Many thanks to the teacher for passing along this picture last week!

WAY TO GROW! ahem... I mean WAY TO GO!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

April Showers Brings Volunteer Awesomeness! :)

What an amazing semester we just finished. Thank you to all our volunteers for yet another amazing month of activities. Nancy and Amanda were sincerely grateful for help running the All Science Challenge, and for all the help given to make sure our regular classroom visits went off successfully!

A salute to those who ran awesome events in Owen Sound last month! Not only did you commit to four hours of transit time (WOW!), but you were flexible enough to run events with loads of kids on a BOAT! You did such an awesome job, LTS head office featured you on the main site, so check out:


Thanks again to Roman, Matt, Katie, Marshall, Larry, Erin and Heying!



Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Congratulations to the Let's Talk Science National Award Finalists!

The annual Let's Talk Science CIHR-Synapse Award recognizes an outstanding, innovative, health research-related activity done by a Let's Talk Science Outreach volunteer or pair of volunteers.

This year, we nominated Sana Khan and Justine Hutchinson for their efforts putting together an activity for Non-Smoking month at the Guelph Public Library. The Let's Talk Science head office agreed that they did an amazing job, and a jury of LTS employees and volunteers included Justine and Sana in the top three finalists for the award.

Congratulations girls

Read more about the 3 finalists and about Sana and Justine's activity here: