Wednesday, November 5, 2014

We're changing how you connect with us!
In the past, we have referred educators to this blog to find our most up-to-date activity listings and to register for visits; however, we are discontinuing this blog as we migrate its information to two new platforms!

You'll find the new U of Guelph Outreach page at:

At the top of the page, there are drop-down links for:
    • About Us - an introduction to the program at U of Guelph and more information about the coordinators and our volunteer team
    • Local Programs information about class/group visits + our annual Let's Talk Science Challenge. This will soon be the new home of our List of Available Kits and their descriptions.
    • Get Involved - information for potential volunteers and supporters. We are a registered charity and offer our activities 100% free to participants; however, if every school we visited donated just $5 to our program, that would go a long way towards stocking our supply shelves for the whole year! We could then spend less time fundraising and more time organizing visits to your students!!! Please consider asking your school's administration to make a small donation to our group and ask your PTA if they would contribute $10. Our online fundraising campaign is here.
    • New and Events
    • Contact Us - (NEW!) this is now where you will find the link to our educator registration form for requesting visits. Click on the "Request a visit from our volunteers" link and complete the form.
Let's Talk Science at the University of Guelph is now also on Facebook! Like us at We'll be using our FB page to post pictures of our volunteers in action, announcements about upcoming community events, etc. (basically taking the place of our blog postings). You are also welcome to post pictures of our visits and activities; however, please note, unless we (ie. Let's Talk Science) have signed photo permission forms from parents, pictures may not show students' faces -- just backs of heads, or close ups of hands-on moments or the crafts the students have created. Thank you for your support in helping us respect your students' right to privacy. (If you are interested, we do have photo permission forms we can send to be signed, which will allow us to use pictures of enthralled, smiling faces too! :D )