Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Let's Talk Science at Guelph Activities Nominees and Finalists for National Awards

Congratulations to some of our volunteers who were nominated for national Let's Talk Science Awards!
Read the official National Office announcement and story here

The National Let's Talk Science Volunteer of the Year Award
This award recognizes volunteers that have shown outstanding innovation, communication and a commitment to science outreach and education, whether at a Let’s Talk Science Outreach site or by volunteering directly with the Let’s Talk Science national office.

Nominee: Alexandra Swirski

Nominee: Kate Williams

Nominee: Kayla Skubowius

You can read more about Alex and Kate in our other blog post: 
A feature post about Kayla will be coming soon!

The Canadian Institute of Health Research-Synapse Award
The annual CIHR-Synapse Award recognizes an outstanding and innovative health research-related activity done by a Let's Talk Science volunteer(s). The activity for which they are nominated must relate to health research, but the volunteers do not have to be registered in a health-related program at their post-secondary institution. They must have also been trained using Science with Impact®.

Finalist: Kaitlyn Roke & Maude Perreault 
were finalists for the 2014 CIHR-Synapse Award for their Let's Talk Nutrition activity.
You can read more about their nomination and activity in the @Guelph story.

Finalist: Keith Poore 
was also a finalist for this award for his statistics based disease propagation activity, 
which will be appearing in our catalogue of available activities in Fall 2014.

Kaitlyn, Maude and Keith were beat out by Jovian Tsang, a volunteer from the Let's Talk Science at the University of Ottawa site. His activity was based on designing a vaccine to save the world from the spread of the zombie-virus.

Congratulations everyone!
And thanks for all your hard work!