Sana Khan is one of our most dedicated volunteers, and this month, we are featuring her in both our educator newsletter and on our blog site!
Sana routinely brings an enthusiasm and passion to LTS activities that impresses both kids and educators (and us!) alike! She is always looking for ways to help us plan and deliver new programs and activities and is always willing to lend a hand with our special events -- even if that means driving through a torrential rain storm from Mississauga to Fergus to help run an all-day LTS booth at the Fergus Fall Fair! Sana was the 2013 LTS at Guelph All Science Challenge Quizmaster, delivering questions to our keen ASC participants.
Last year, we nominated Sana and another volunteer, Justine, for the Let's Talk Science CIHR-Synapse Award, which recognizes an outstanding, innovative, health research-related activity done by a Let's Talk Science Outreach volunteer or pair of volunteers. Sana & Justine's Non-smoking Awareness activity for the Guelph Public Library was selected as one of the top three finalists, and ultimately as first-runner up by the National selection committee.
Q. What are you studying and what have you
studied in the past?
A. I completed my undergraduate degree at
McMaster University in Bio-Physiology. I am currently in the 2nd (and last) year
of the Masters of Public Health program at University of Guelph.
Q. What has been your favourite part of volunteering (or what is
the best activity that you've done so far)?
A. Throughout my volunteer work with Let's Talk Science, I have met a lot of enthusiastic and curious kids.
I love watching kids light-up and be fascinated by the activities we conduct. And
there is no greater joy than watching these children thoroughly enjoy the
activities you have prepared and being told the kids are already look forward to
your next visit! I have really enjoyed conducting the Chemistry Magic Show as
most of the chemistry tricks completely surprise the kids and they are left
with a passion to learn more about science.
Q. Why did you become a Let's Talk Science volunteer?
A. I absolutely love working with kids in any capacity and I
am extremely passionate about Science. So when I heard about the opportunity to
get involved with Let's Talk Science,
I couldn't imagine a better fit for myself. I have been a volunteer with Let's Talk
Science for more than a year now, and I have genuinely enjoyed every aspect of
being a part of this group.
Q. What are your goals for the future?
A. I have recently applied to Medical School and am interesting in
the field of General Surgery.
Good luck Sana! We're rooting for you!!!