- The "partnership-style" of pairing volunteers with teachers directly has allowed volunteers more freedom and flexibility in arranging times that work well in their own schedules! As a result, more activities are happening more frequently at more convenient times!
- Our first rural trips of the year to Arthur, Orangeville, and (not quite rural, but a hike for us!) Durham went smashingly well!
- Amanda's DNA Barcoding activities with high school students across Ontario have been a huge success, and she and her students have made some interesting discoveries (more on this in a later post!)
- So far this year, according to the activities logged on the portal, we have reached an absolutely unbelievable 1,000 youth in Guelph and the surrounding area!!! Considering that last year was a record-breaking year.. and that at this time last year, we had reached 433 youth... I think it's fair to say that Let's Talk Science volunteers at the U of G are on track for another year of big achievements!!
- Probably our most important measure of success is knowing that the volunteers have made a difference. I can't think of a better way to show how much the volunteers' hard work is appreciated than this beautiful card that volunteers Xin and Ramya received from Ms. Kurtz-Favero's grade 1's!
Have a fun, relaxing, safe, friend-and-family-filled winter break everyone!!