Sunday, January 30, 2011

500 youth reached!!!!

Here at Guelph we just hit a major milestone: so far, in the 2010-2011 school year we have already reached over 500  youth!! And considering that there are an amazing 8 activities planned for the coming week, I don't think we're going to be in the 500's for very long!
Last year Let's Talk Science at Guelph reached an amazing 900 kids, but it looks like we're poised to do even better this year thanks to the amazing dedication of the Guelph volunteers! I'm so proud to work with all of you!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Let's Talk Science Training Session

If you are a veterinary student, or a graduate student in science, math, or engineering, we'd love to have you as a Let's Talk Science volunteer! If you're interested, please attend this semester's training session, which will be held on Thursday, January 20th at 6pm in 1714 OVC. There will be FREE FOOD!!!! so please RSVP to if you are planning to attend!

Hope to see you there!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Our official website is live!!

It's finally here - the real, official, fancy, shiny website of the Let's Talk Science volunteers at the University of Guelph!!

Check out our official website for more detailed information about the types of activities that are available and to get more information about how to become either a volunteer or an educator / community partner.

Our website may be found at

Friday, January 7, 2011

What have we been up to?

In short... a lot! Let's Talk Science volunteers have already performed 13 activities in schools and community groups throughout Guelph!

Two wonderful volunteers, Amanda and Marina, put together a great activity called the Wonderful World of Microbes aimed at kids in kindergarten! The activity teaches kids about what microbes are and about some of the things they can do, including making us sick. They also taught kids the importance of proper handwashing with a neat black light activity! A more detailed description of their activity, as well as some great photos, are available on their lab group’s website.

In December, Let’s Talk Science volunteers performed the Chemistry Magic Show activity with the Family Housing community at the University of Guelph! This activity was a lot of fun for everyone because most of the parents stayed with their kids and joined in! There were enough rockets, slime, and explosions to keep everyone engaged, and I got a lot of positive feedback from the community coordinators.
The only mishap was when I tried to perform the burning money trick.. and singed my own $5 bill. I later found out that someone was about to lend me a $100 bill for the trick, so I’m glad he chickened out!
Best of all, one of the volunteers, Vincent, took some great pictures showing the fun!

Lisa showing off the cornstarch goo.


Magic milk with Zach!


A brave volunteer checking to make sure that the money is ok after I lit it on fire!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A message from Joanna - Award winning volunteers!

Hi everyone! Happy New Year! The following post was written by Joanna, the original Let's Talk Science coordinator here at the University of Guelph who was active between 2008-2010.
Happy new year! I hope all of you had a restful break. For those of you that were unable to make it to the volunteer appreciation party, I just wanted to let you all know what a pleasure it has been being the coordinator over the past few years. I have officially stepped down and am no longer coordinator. With that being said, being the coordinator was one of the most exciting, rewarding, and fun things that I have had the privileged of taking part in. Since I started up the program a few years ago, we have reached over 1000 youth! This makes me very proud and happy that I was able to work with so many amazing volunteers. Without you all, none of this would have been possible. However, despite me leaving (if I could stay forever, I would!!) I leave the program in Linda's hands. Even over the past few months she has already expanded the program more than I could have even imagined!! I can't wait to see how the program will grow in the future.

With regards to the party, a few more things occurred that I feel are worth mentioning. Firstly, I would like to acknowledge the award winners. This past year Lindsay Bergeron and Mike Gerling earned the Project of the Year award. They both created such a cool workshop involving the human body. They gave a tour of the human anatomy lab on campus followed by a tour of the Science Centre Exhibit (Body Works). Not only did they engage the students and create something fun, unique, educational, and hands-on, they also did this all on their own (including recruiting educators, students, and arranging transportation)! They both went above and beyond, and greatly deserve this award. I applaud them both.

Secondly, before I announce the winner of the Volunteer of the Year Award, I have some sad news to share with all of you. One of our previous volunteers, Christopher Zweerman recently passed away in an unfortunate motorbike accident. Chris was an amazing volunteer. He was one of the most enthusiastic, happy, and passionate people I have ever had the privilege of meeting. He was a volunteer in the first year of the LTS program here at Guelph, and since completing his Masters was attending Medical School in Australia. I am so lucky that I had a chance to work with him. He embodied everything an LTS volunteer should be, and for this he was awarded the first ever LTS Guelph Volunteer of the Year Award. In his honour we have decided to name the Volunteer of the Year Award after him to keep his memory alive.

So, that brings me to the next (more positive) note. The recipient for the Christopher Zweerman Volunteer of the Year Award goes to Beau Frigault. Beau was an avid volunteer and did a great job. Congratulations to Beau.

Once again, I thank you all for the hard work and dedication to sharing science with kids. Thank you for making this such a positive experience for me over the past few years. Also, you haven't seen the last of me yet since I will be volunteering!!


Joanna McPherson, MSc
Ontario Veterinary College
Class of 2012